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Your Organisation's mental health is our priority
Join CERECALM to be the change

Empowered Mental Well-Being


CERECALM is a pioneering mental health platform designed and constructed by internationally trained psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinical psychologists who have formulated the best evidence-based practice from the United Kingdom to suit India’s mental health ecosystem.

The CERECALM Team is immensely dedicated to solving the treatment gap prevailing in India, due to social, economic and geographic reasons.Our team is deeply committed to providing holistic mental health care across PAN India with services which are accessible, safe and confidential.

CERECALM aims to empower people to make the right decisions on treatment pathways and the well-being of their mental health.Together, we shall democratise mental health across the spectrum of society, enabling the formation of better mental health communities.


Mind the Gap

Mental health problems are one of the main causes of the overall disease burden across the world. Major depression is thought to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide and a major contributor to the burden of suicide and ischemic heart disease.

According to the WHO, India is one of the most depressed countries in the world. Anxiety and substance abuse are other drivers of mental health challenges.

The National Mental Health Survey has revealed that 83% of people suffering from mental health issues in India do not get the right help they need.

Mental health and behavioural problems, when untreated, affect not just the person’s own quality of life but also that of their loved ones.

What is worse is that, despite increasing awareness of mental health issues, social stigma and fear of judgement by others hold people back from seeking the right treatment.

Bridge the Gap with CERECALM

CERECALM takes great pride in imbibing the internationally acclaimed UK guidelines on treatment and integrating them into practice on a mental health platform in India. It brings psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health nurses together to provide integrated mental health care.

Every user of the service is guaranteed confidentiality, as the platform follows the international HIPAA protocols as well as the recently proposed DISHA guidelines in India for robust protection of digital health information.

The CERECALM services are experienced online in the privacy of one’s own environment. Every individual is assured of their right to receive appropriate mental health care needs within the community and also on the go while travelling, thus reaching the unreached.

We believe in a “3C” partnership between our team and our clients. It is “Confidante, Counsellor, and Collaborator.”

Founder's Note

“Let’s walk together in your journey of well-being – IT’S OK TO BE NOT OK.”

The seed for CERECALM germinated from personal trauma experienced by the founder, who was unable to obtain good quality mental health care for his mother conveniently and for an extended period of time. As a consultant psychiatrist working for the National Health Services in the United Kingdom, he felt helpless when he couldn’t gather the required interventions in one place close to her. This experience deeply emphasised the need for better continuity of care in his own country.

This experience sparked the genesis of a platform that aimed to provide comprehensive, holistic, and empathetic mental health care. Eventually, this vision transformed into the creation of CERECALM, which sought to make high-quality care accessible to everyone, regardless of their geographical location, social status, educational background, or economic circumstances.